Sustainable Art Project – Reflection


I enjoy making art rather than selling. However, it is interesting to hear feedback from others. It allows more perspectives for me to understand my works.

I want my works reach general public but only westerners or art lovers will buy artworks. It is a dilemma that I sold works in places with more westerners and art lovers.

Street vending is not only selling but knowing some people or wait for chances for my art career.

Is it too early to sell artworks before graduation from Bachelor? No, works are more important than qualification in street vending.

Marketing consideration will affect my art making as I need to consider the favour of buyers. However, I change without violating my principle and interest. Works for sale and works for exhibition can be separated.

I understand more about my Higher Diploma graduation works.

I understood much more about painting and I made works much more than the past. I am much more serious and hard working as the issue are related to sale and earning a living.

Although nothing was sold via internet, it is a good habit to establish some pages for recording my works and projects. They are useful to introduce my artworks.

The happiness of selling a work is:

There is a person appreciating my works and believe that it is worth buying or the artist is worthy of supporting. My friend who was helping me in once vending told me, “I understand why you do this project.” after I sold one work.


“Why do you still doing art if you know it is so difficult to earn a living?”

This project is very difficult and it is nearly impossible. However, doing a full time artist in Hong Kong is also nearly impossible. I want to try and experience it. I earned $1034 for three months and it can only cover my transport fee for one month. Doing art as a career is not like other job with clear salary and career pathway. At this stage, I cannot earn a living with art, but I learned the attitude of doing art as a career not leisure work. It is about keeping doing lots of works, profession and passion.

“Believe in art.”


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